In the News
Community Health: The science behind prevention and treatment of concussions
UCR Today: Model helps explain why some patients with multiple sclerosis have seizures
UCR Today: New book gives comprehensive overview of astrocyte biology
EpilepsyU: New book details role of astocytes in epileptic brain tissue
FRAXA Research Foundation: NIH awards $35 million to three Fragile X research teams
UCR Today: Why are some people with autism hypersensitive to sound?
UCR Today: Creating a ‘window to the brain’
UCR Today: Researchers to study novel mechanisms of epileptic seizures to identify new targets for therapy
UCR Magazine: Reducing the risks of traumatic brain injury
UC Health: Proving a concept & leaping the ‘valley of death’
UCR Bioengineering: Hyle Park and Devin Binder receive UC Discovery Grant